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Loyalty cards become a ticket to the world of discounts

Having a loyalty creditcarddumps when purchasing becomes a way to get a personal discount, which motivates you to participate in such programs. The result of retailers ' work in this direction is also visi-ble in the responses. 48% of respondents note that they presented a loyalty card for crediting / debiting bonuses or receiving discounts when making the last clothing purchase. For comparison, in February, 39.5% of people responded in the same way.

If previously customers did not need to be a member of the loyalty program to receive a discount, at the moment 57% buycvv of purchases made with a discount were made with the presentation of a discount or bonus card. There are three reasons for this trend.

First, customers are increasingly required to present a loyalty card or dictate a phone number in order to receive a special discount.

Secondly, this condition is becoming less burdensome, as electronic cards and applications become popular. Moreover, in many cases, the customer just needs to give their phone number to get a dis-count.

And finally, third, retailers are gradually beginning to refuse to offer discounts to unidentified customers as a result of the increasing penetration of new data analysis and marketing technologies, including big data and information analysis systems based on artificial intelligence.